Shipping and Returns

How long does my order take to ship?

14 business days, not including holidays and inclement weather, inside of the USA. However, we always try to get it out much sooner!

Do you offer international shipping? 

Yes, international shipping times very. Please email for more up to date information and include the country you wish to ship to.

Shipping costs money?

If shipping rates upon drop are lower than the charge upon purchase, you may notice a refund on your account after purchase. This is just us doing good business. If shipping costs end up being more than are quoted online, we will always cover the costs. Shipping art is expensive due to the nature of packaging. We apologize for any inconvenience. Each original is one of a kind and we want to ensure we send it above reproach. We try to balance eco-friendly wrapping, but sometimes due use plastics. Hopefully we can move away from that as we grow.

What is your return policy? 

We do not offer returns or exchanges. Please be strong in your commitment to the art you select. Feel free to message us for additional photos and videos to see if a piece is right for you.

What about item damage?

Art is packaged and handled with care. We take photos of the art before shipping and the box it goes out in. If your box arrives damaged, or the artwork is harmed in transit, please file a complaint with the carrier. We are happy to provide you with our photos for your complaint to streamline your refund with the carrier.